
Friday, May 28, 2010

Teething Toddlers

Teething toddlers is a stage that all parents must go through. Sometimes the process of teething is made easier when you know what is going on with your toddler and how you can help them with their tiny teething problems.
“Teething can begin as early as 3 months and continue until a child's third birthday.
Between the ages of 4 and 7 months, you'll notice your baby's first tooth pushing through the gum line. The first teeth to appear usually are the two bottom front teeth, also known as the central incisors. These are usually followed 4 to 8 weeks later by the four front upper teeth (central and lateral incisors). About a month later, the lower lateral incisors (the two teeth flanking the bottom front teeth) will appear.
Next to break through the gum line are the first molars (the back teeth used for grinding food), then finally the eyeteeth (the pointy teeth in the upper jaw). Most kids have all 20 of their primary teeth by their third birthday. (If your child experiences significant delay, speak to your doctor.)
In some rare cases, kids are born with one or two teeth or have a tooth emerge within the first few weeks of life. Unless the teeth interfere with feeding or are loose enough to pose a choking risk, this is usually not a cause for concern.
As kids begin teething, they might drool more and want to chew on things. For some babies, teething is painless. Others may experience brief periods of irritability, and some may seem cranky for weeks, with crying jags and disrupted sleeping and eating patterns. Teething can be uncomfortable, but if your baby seems very irritable, talk to your doctor.
Although tender and swollen gums could cause your baby's temperature to be a little higher than normal, teething doesn't usually cause high fever or diarrhea. If your baby does develop a fever during the teething phase, it's probably due to something else and you should contact your doctor.”

Teething Tips
  • Wipe your baby's face often with a cloth to remove the drool and prevent rashes from developing.
  • Give your baby something to chew on. Make sure it's big enough so that it can't be swallowed and that it can't break into small pieces. A wet washcloth placed in the freezer for 30 minutes makes a handy teething aid — just be sure to wash it after each use. Rubber teething rings are also good, but avoid ones with liquid inside because they may break or leak. If you use a teething ring, be sure to take it out of the freezer before it becomes rock hard — you don't want to bruise those already swollen gums!
  • Rub your baby's gums with a clean finger.
  • Never tie a teething ring around a baby's neck — it could get caught on something and strangle the baby.
  • If your baby seems irritable, acetaminophen may help — but always consult your doctor first. Never place an aspirin against the tooth, and don't rub alcohol on your baby's gums.

“The care and cleaning of your baby's teeth is important for long-term dental health. Even though the first set of teeth will fall out, tooth decay can hasten this process and leave gaps before the permanent teeth are ready to come in. The remaining primary teeth may then crowd together to attempt to fill in the gaps, which may cause the permanent teeth to come in crooked and out of place.
Daily dental care should begin even before your baby's first tooth emerges. Wipe your baby's gums daily with a clean, damp washcloth or gauze, or brush them gently with a soft, infant-sized toothbrush and water (no toothpaste!). As soon as the first tooth appears, brush it with water.
Toothpaste is OK to use once a child is old enough to spit it out — usually around age 3. Choose one with fluoride and use only a pea-sized amount or less in younger kids. Don't let your child swallow the toothpaste or eat it out of the tube because an overdose of fluoride can be harmful to kids.
By the time all your baby's teeth are in, try to brush them at least twice a day and especially after meals. It's also important to get kids used to flossing early on. A good time to start flossing is when two teeth start to touch. Talk to your dentist for advice on flossing those tiny teeth. You can also get toddlers interested in the routine by letting them watch and imitate you as you brush and floss.
Another important tip for preventing tooth decay: Don't let your baby fall asleep with a bottle. The milk or juice can pool in a baby's mouth and cause tooth decay and plaque.
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that kids see a dentist by age 1, when six to eight teeth are in place, to spot any potential problems and advise parents about preventive care.”

For more information please visit

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Better sleep for baby = better sleep for Mom.

When I was growing up, my mom used to teach me how to swaddle my baby dolls so that they would "stop crying and sleep better." (Of course in a perfect imaginary world my baby wouldn't cry at all). But life isn't perfect, and babies cry- it is what they do best. Swaddling may be one of the best ways to calm the baby and get them to sleep. By keeping a baby swaddled, you prevent them from being startled by their own jumping reflexes and allow them to stay warm while their temperature regulators are starting to kick in.

This technique is also taught in hospitals, and chances are you had a lesson in Swaddling 101 before taking your baby home for the first time. Just make sure you do a few things- make sure your baby isn't poopy, hungry or tired when he is fussing. If he or she is clean, full, and certainly not tired, swaddling may be the best way to calm your baby, especially if they might be overstimulated. (Over stimulation occurs a lot when babies are passed back and forth to family and friends multiple times. The same thing happens to adults, sometimes we just want to be left alone, and that is NORMAL!)

After about a month, the baby should be adjusting to being outside of the womb and may not need to be swaddled so tightly. Keeping babies swaddled while they are awake after the first month of life may inhibit their motor skills and development process. While babies are sleeping however, it is okay to keep swaddling them as long as they seem happy. They will find ways out of the blanket to let you know they are done being swaddled, just watch for it.


•  Lay a blanket on a flat surface and fold down the top-right 
corner about 6 inches.
•  Place your baby on his back with his head on the fold.
•  Pull the corner near your baby's left hand across his body, 
and tuck the leading edge under his back on the  right side under the arm.
•  Pull the bottom corner up under your baby's chin.
•  Bring the loose corner over your baby's right arm and tuck it under
the back on his left side. If your baby prefers to have his arms free, 
you can swaddle him under the arms. This gives him access to 
his hands and fingers.

This is an awesome way to keep your baby calm and cozy.
Catch some zzz's while the baby does the same.
Happy Sleeping!

information received from Baby Center.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Celebracion por el dia de Pascua del Grupo de Juego de Provo

El día viernes 16 de Abril el grupo de juego celebro el día de Pascua con actividades manuales como colorear sus propias orejitas de conejo, decorar su bolsa para la búsqueda de huevitos sorpresa al igual que canciones y cuentos relacionados con la fecha.   
La clase comenzó con el tiempo de música en donde se cantaron las canciones de primavera que se han aprendido. 
 Los ninos se divirtieron buscando huevos en la zona de juego.
Gracias a todos los ninos que participaron en este dia.

Eggs and Infants

I was recently talking to my cousin about her kids and how they are allergic to practically everything. One thing that was brought up was the fact that her boys are allergic to eggs. Eggs are in practically everything from bread, noodles, to meatloaf. Some parents, like my cousin, did not know that you weren’t supposed to allow your infants or young children to eat eggs. Babies will often times have an allergic reaction to eggs. If this happens make sure you are not giving them food with eggs in it. There is good news however, many children outgrow this allergy by the age of 5 and turn out just fine. The allergy is a reaction to the protein in the egg whites, but in some cases babies and children are allergic to the protein in the yolk. Some signs of allergies to look out for include: Skin- hives, eczema, flushing, or swelling; Digestive system- belly pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or itching around the mouth; Respiratory system- runny nose, wheezing, or difficulty breathing; and finally Cardiovascular system- rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, or heart problems. These are all important signs to look for if you think that your child might have an egg allergy. “Kids who are allergic to eggs can become experts at avoiding eggs in the foods they eat. But it can be hard sometimes, so a kid should feel free to ask a parent or other grown-up for help in figuring out if a food is safe. For instance, egg substitutes are actually not OK for kids with egg allergies because they contain egg whites.”
Here's how eggs, in their many forms, are listed on food labels:
·         dried egg
·         egg white
·         egg white solids
·         egg yolk
·         egg solids
·         powdered egg
·         whole egg

The following ingredients also should be avoided if you have egg allergy:
·         albumin
·         globulin
·         livetin
·         lysozyme
·         ovalbumin
·         ovoglobulin
·         ovomucin
·         ovomucoid
·         ovotransferrin
·         ovovitella
·         ovovitellin
·         silici albuminate
·         Simplesse
·         Vitellin

One thing I found to be interesting are the different substitutes you can use in place of an egg. On it gives some great suggestions as to how you can bake without using an egg!  For every egg called for in the recipe, substitute it with:  1 ½ Tablespoons oil and 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

For more information please visit

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

El botiquin de primeros auxilios

Este verano, es importante recordar que nuestros hijos estarán expuestos a una multitud de actividades tanto fuera como dentro del hogar y que a pesar de promover la seguridad, tener un botiquín de primeros auxilios  preparado con anticipación le ayudara a afrontar cualquier urgencia medica sin perder tiempo.El botiquín debe estar guardado en casa y en cada coche, y llevarlo consigo cuando vaya de vacaciones con su familia.
Elija una bolsa o maletín para llevar los artículos que sea espacioso, resistente, fácil de trasportar y de fácil apertura como por ejemplo las cajas de plástico duro con asas.

En cada botiquín incluya los siguientes elementos:

  • un manual de primeros auxilios
  • gasa estéril
  • esparadrapo (cinta adhesiva)
  • vendas adhesivas de distintos tamaños
  • vendas elásticas
  • toallas antisépticas
  • jabón
  • crema antibiótica (pomada de antibiótico triple)
  • solución antiséptica (como peróxido de hidrógeno)
  • crema de cortisona (al 1%)
  • acetaminofen (paracetamol) (como Tylenol) e ibuprofeno (como Advil o Motrin)
  • los medicamentos habituales de venta con receta médica (si se va de vacaciones con su familia)
  • unas pinzas
  • una tijeras afiladas
  • imperdibles (alfileres de gancho)
  • bolsas de frío instantáneo desechables
  • loción de calamina
  • toallas impregnadas de alcohol
  • un termómetro
  • guantes de plástico (por lo menos 2 pares)
  • una linterna con pilas de repuesto
  • una mascarilla de reanimación cardíaca pulmonar (la puede obtener en la sede local de la Cruz Roja)
    su lista de teléfonos de emergencia
  • una sábana (guardada cerca del botiquín  
Una vez haya completado el botiquín de primeros auxilios:
  • Guarde el botiquín de primeros auxilios en un lugar que esté fuera del alcance y la vista de los niños pero que sea de fácil acceso para un adulto.
  • Revise regularmente el botiquín y reponga los artículos o medicamentos gastados o caducados.
Tener un botiquín le ayudara a estar preparado en caso de accidentes.
Tomado en parte de

Monday, May 17, 2010

"How to Be Safe When You're In the Sun"

"The weather is warming up, the days are longer and there’s more time to be outside doing all kinds of fun things! But if you're going to be out in the sun, especially on a hot day, you need to stay safe. Let's find out how.

Some people get a sunburn faster than others because of their coloring. If you have blond or red hair, light-colored skin, and light-colored eyes, you'll tend to get a sunburn more quickly than someone with dark eyes and skin. That's because you have less melanin (say: meh-luh-nun). Melanin is a chemical in the skin that protects the skin from sun damage by reflecting and absorbing UV rays. People with darker skin have more melanin, but even if you have dark hair, dark eyes, or darker-toned skin, you can still get a sunburn. It will just take a little bit longer.

Sunburns look bad and feel worse. They can cause blisters on your skin. They can keep you inside feeling sore when everyone else is outside having fun. They increase your chance of getting wrinkly when you get older. And worst of all, they can lead to skin cancer when you get older. Because getting wrinkles and getting sick don't happen right away, they can seem like things that could never happen to you. But you still need to be careful.

Prime Time

You don't need to hide from the sun completely or wrap up like a mummy to protect yourself. But you should take these two steps:
  1. Always wear sunscreen.
  2. Take frequent breaks from the sun by going indoors or moving into the shade
These steps are especially important between 10:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon, when the sun's rays are strongest.

Use a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 15 or higher. Put on sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before going out in the sun. If you are fair skinned, you should use a sunscreen with a higher SPF rating such as SPF 30. The letters SPF stand for sun protection factor, and the number rating tells you how much longer you can stay in the sun without getting sunburned. So if you normally burn after 20 minutes and you put on a sunscreen with an SPF rating of 15, this sunscreen may give you 15 times the protection. That's 15 times 20 minutes, or 300 minutes (5 hours).

But this isn’t always true, so reapply sunscreen at least every 2 hours, just to be safe. Do this more often if you've been swimming or sweating a lot - even if the sunscreen is waterproof. And remember that you can get sunburned more quickly when you're swimming or boating because the reflection from the water intensifies the sun's rays.

Be sure to put sunscreen all over your body. This includes some places you might not think of, like the tops of your ears, the back of your neck, the part in your hair, your face, and the tops of your feet. If you want to block the sun's rays, wear clothing that you can't see your hand through. You may still get burned through sheerer fabrics. Wear a baseball cap or other fun hat to block your face from the sun.
Don't forget that your eyes need protection from ultraviolet rays, too. Always wear sunglasses in the bright sun, and make sure they have a label saying that they block UV rays.

Drink Up!

Drinking water is an important part of staying healthy, especially when it's hot outside. When you're sweating, you lose water that your body needs to work properly. And if you're playing a sport or running around in the sun, you lose even more water, because you sweat that much more.
So drink up and don't wait until you're thirsty - drinking before you feel thirsty helps keep the water level in your body from dropping too low when it's hot or you're sweating a lot with exercise. If you forget and suddenly feel thirsty, start drinking then. There are lots of cool-looking water bottles around, so get one you really like, fill it up, and drink up!

Got That Hot Feeling?

If you're out in the hot sun, or you're exercising on a hot day, it's easy to get heat exhaustion. Kids get heat exhaustion when their bodies can't cool themselves fast enough. A kid with heat exhaustion might feel overheated, tired, and weak.
Heat exhaustion can come on suddenly. A person may just collapse when playing soccer or tennis, for example. It can leave a person feeling really tired for days after it happens.
Heat stroke is a more serious heat-related illness and can cause a person to stop sweating, to have red, hot skin, and to have a high temperature. The person might become uncoordinated, confused, or even lose consciousness. It requires emergency medical attention.

The good news is that the sun doesn't have to be your enemy if you wear your sunscreen, drink your water, and take breaks when you start to feel too hot. And don't forget your sunglasses. Not only do they protect your eyes from the sun, they make you look so cool!"

For more information please visit