
Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Sleep Suggestions

Snooze Strategies A to Zzz


Avoid  Eye Contact: Lasting, animated eye contact is stimulating and can prolong getting a baby to sleep.

Bath-time: Warm water & soft washcloth strokes will likely calm and relax a baby.

Co-sleeping: Babies who co-sleep with their parents develop higher self-esteem & have less anxiety.

Dreamfeed: By feeding a sleeping baby before mom  goes to bed, may buy interrupted sleep.

Empty the Crib: Items in the crib (blankets, toys) can be a potential hazard & cause choking or suffocation.

Fragrance: Essential oils (lavender) has relaxing & anti-anxiety benefits.

GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is known to disturb babies sleep.

Hands-on: When lying a baby in the crib, gentle touches on the head, arms & tummy to soothe her.

Ideal Bedtime: Setting a sleep schedule is important and helps to avoid over tiredness.

Jammies: Pick jammies that fit  snugly & is made of natural fibers to avoid skin irritation.

Keeping Cool: It’s recommended to keep a baby’s room at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Lights Out: Create a dark environment for baby to sleep in. Avoid nightlights.

Massage: Babies and toddlers who get a short massage before bedtime fall asleep quicker than those read to.

Naps: Are important for a baby’s mental & physical growth and they’ll sleep longer if they nap regularly.

Overnight: Night diapers and diaper cream will make it more comfortable for  baby and hopefully asleep!

Pacifiers: Are a great object to use to help baby soothe themselves to sleep.

Quirky Fixes: Be flexible and willing to try different things to soothe baby, i.e. driving around the neighborhood.

Routines: Choose a bedtime ritual for baby and stick with it. Consistency is key!

Swaddling: “Baby burrito” will save you.  This technique mimics the tight womb and will naturally calm baby.

Telling a Story: Before bed reading or telling a story can be relaxing for you both and be a great time to bond.

Understanding Cues: Watch for baby’s cues and you’ll eventually understand when she's ready for bed.

Voice: Newborns by now know mom’s voice. Speak softly and baby will naturally drift off to sleep feeling safe mom is close by.

White Noise: In the womb there was constant, loud noises. Baby may sleep easier with a fan or white noise machine.

XOXO: Longer and deeper sleep is a result of loves and kisses.

You are my Sunshine: Singing is a soothing technique to calm  sleepy baby.

Zzz: What is that sound? A sleeping baby!


  1. Thank you for writing this useful list! There are probably dozens of various sleeping tips out there but this is only ONE that worked the best for me with my 2 kids - keep them to the same routine (meals, bath time, bed time) every single day. Babies adore predictability :)
