I tried to teach my child from books,
He only gave me puzzled looks.
I tried to teach my child from words.
They passed him by oft unheard.
Despairingly, I turned aside.
“How can I teach this child?” I cried.
Into my hand he placed the key,
“Come” he said. “Play with me.”
Why are Playgroups Beneficial:
· Children learn about the world through play
· Strengthens social skills
· Helps build self confidence in both parent and child
· Helps children gain independence
· Strengthens the Parent-Child bond
· Encourages and promotes proper child development
· Brings Parents comfort, support, and conversation
· Provides parents with an opportunity to learn from one another
How do Playgroups work?
Weekly lessons are provided to assist you in sharing information and activities that will encourage proper child development. The curriculum is composed of lessons, activities, and handouts. With this curriculum you can start your own playgroup or there are local playgroups that you can join.
To view the Welcome Baby Playgroup Curriculum follow this link. unitedwayuc.org/welcomebaby/playgroups
Sample Playgroup Curriculum:
1. Specific Development
2. Importance of Play
3. Infant Massage
4. Story Telling
5. Developmental Parenting
6. Parental Guidance
7. Rhymes and Reason
8. Seasonal Safety
If you are interested in participating or hosting a playgroup email us at baby1@unitedwayuc.org